
Blog - Introducing Agenda: Magazine!

Japan Music Technology Introducing Agenda: Magazine!

This last day or two I've been preparing something new called Agenda: Magazine. This is a list of magazines featuring columns or interviews with some of my favorite artists. Each entry contains front cover (when available), featured artist names (in Japanese and rōmaji), edition number, and Web site and Amazon links (when any).

InvitationMarqueeスパイマスター東海版 / Spy Master Tokai editionMac PowerApistaZipper

The main reason why I put this together is that I often end up in bookshops looking at magazines, and I can't ever remember what are the ones I needed to check out. Now as soon as I see magazine feature announcements on artist sites, I add the magazines to the list. The calendar page and its downloadable iCalendar version (works just fine on an iPod!) should then be enough to remind me what magazines to devote my attention to amongst the hundreds.

I'm also planning to add a simple Web interface for mobile phones soon, for when I forgot to download the latest data onto my iPod. I'd use the nice WINKsite, as I do on the Agenda, but it doesn't seem quite ready to serve Japanese text to Japanese phones (which don't widely support UTF-8).


Posted on July 1, 2006 at 02:02 | Tweet |

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Posted by Mobile Web site Builder on May 12, 2010 at 19:48

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