
Blog - Mononoke Dance

Music Mononoke Dance

Denki Groove has a new single coming up next week, and the video is out! Quite a macabre set-up, well it's a song for a TV series of the same theme, Hakaba Kitarō.

Don't miss the hilarious ending!

Denki Groove have started a "workshop" on the site, putting up demo versions of songs that will appear on their upcoming album "J-POP" out in April.

Posted on February 9, 2008 at 13:06 | Tweet |


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Well I've already figured out that "Hakaba Kitaro" is based on the original 1959 manga that the subsequent "GeGeGe no Kitarō" anime series were based on. I guess the name points out they went back to the source. Now what I've not really figured out is there's a 2007 anime series "Mononoke" that seems to be made by some of the same people as Hakaba Kitaro, so considering the name of Denki Groove's song how does it all connect?

Posted by nick on February 21, 2008 at 18:49

Interesting finds! "Mononoke" is a generic word for a ghost, I think, so it doesn't necessarily have to do with a connection.

Posted by Patrick on February 21, 2008 at 23:16

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