
Blog - Osaka #3: Expo Park / Tower of the Sun

Osaka #3: Expo Park / Tower of the Sun

On Saturday morning we woke up early. The plan was to head down to Nishinari, the bad area of town, and check out dorobōichi (泥棒市, thief market), a flea market held early morning until about 9am. Some people say it's all stolen stuff. Although it looked like a normal flea market, the people selling were most probably all homeless, the whole place didn't smell very good, and there were some unleashed dogs around. It could have been okay if we weren't about the only shoppers that didn't look anything like the sellers. We were in and out in a few minutes without looking back. No photos, of course.

We took the train to the north of the city where a more enjoyable tourist spot was waiting for us, the Expo 70 commemorative park! We went there just to check out Okamoto Tarō's famous taiyō no tō (太陽の塔, Tower of the Sun). The giant sculpture (65m) is taller than the Statue of Liberty (47m), and despite its eccentric looks it seems to blend seamlessly with the surrounding nature.


Larger sizes and many more photos at Flickr

Posted on September 18, 2007 at 16:53 | Tweet |


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woah you update fast mate. Anyways great to see you are having a good time during your trip. Nice to see the many locations you've been.

Ihaven't seen much of Osaka to be really honest, well not area, more the outside and around Ibaraki and Takatsuki. Still I think I prefer Tokyo.

Anyways keep it up, love the pics :)

Posted by Papigiulio on September 18, 2007 at 18:55


I have to keep up this pace if I want to be able to post about everything. Expect a few more posts over the next day but then I'll be quiet for a while. :)

Posted by Patrick on September 18, 2007 at 19:19

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