
Blog - Toshikoshi kanji

Japan Toshikoshi kanji

You might better not write these on test papers, but here are some funny kanji I found out about lately.

I first learned about a kanji for "20", 「廿」, which I found in dates of some old documents at a museum recently. My curiosity made me also look up "30" which can be written similarly as 「丗」 or also 「卅」. Then there's also "40" shown on this page, and also a compound of two 「百」 side-to-side ([百百]) for "200". These last two are so uncommon that they aren't within the JIS character sets.
I wish these could be put into use without being too weird. :)

While on the topic of weird kanji, check out this other page showing kanji with the largest numbers of strokes. The ones at the bottom are truly scary (79 and 84 strokes) with such compounds as 「龍」 (dragon) and something similar to 「敵」 (enemy)! I wouldn't want to run into someone with a name like that. :)
Before seeing these, the one I knew with the most strokes was the first mentioned on that page, 「」 (3 horses, 30 strokes, reads todoroki).

Less than 6 hours to go before the New Year!

Update: More out-of-this-world freaky but supposedly real kanji.

Posted on December 31, 2006 at 18:24 | Tweet |

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Both of those are really neat and informative pages, thanks!

Posted by john on December 31, 2006 at 19:25

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