
Blog - TV tuner card

TV Technology TV tuner card

Lately our TV has been in rather bad shape, first turning itself off and back on intermittently, then the screen going blank for a while every now and then. Since a few days the screen remains blank no matter what...

We'll be waiting a little bit before getting a new TV, but the incident prompted me to get a cheap TV tuner card for my PC, as I had been wanting to get one. I picked up one of the cheapest I found, the V-Stream TV7133PVR, just below ¥5000, and so far so good! The provided software is full of features, and the package also contains a remote control. The last TV tuner I had was before coming to Japan, about 5 years ago, and it's fun to see how these evolved since.

I may be posting some occasional stills from TV. Here are Tamo-san and Fukawa Ryō, two of my favorite TV personalities, from tonight's Tamori Club.

Tamori FUKAWA Ryō

Posted on September 17, 2005 at 01:11 | Tweet |


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