
Blog - KISHINO You-ichi's Video cram school

Cinema Kishino You-ichi's Video cram school

On Saturday, after having been to YMCK's release party, we came back home and then rode our bicycles to Enban in Kōenji to see 岸野雄一ビデオ塾 (Kishino You-ichi's Video cram school), to which our friend Fukuta Takeshi (8-bits) was also participating.

I've been a fan of Kishino You-ichi's unit La veuve moustachue (in Japanese ヒゲの未亡人 or "higemibo") since their mini-album "Les vacances de la veuve moustachue" (Japanese title 「ヒゲの未亡人の休日」) came out in 2001. The unit plays live every month at Aoi Heya in Shibuya, event which I'll have to finally check out soon.
I had seen Kishino-san once before thought, at the Pizzicato Five tribute live for Fuji TV show Factory, where he was co-MC'ing the event with Konishi Yasuharu. Kishino-san also sang a fantastic version of "World is spinning at 45rpm" on Pizzicato Five's tribute album.

This time was the first time I went to an event at Enban, a small record shop/café which changes into an bar, club or theatre at night.

MoblogWhen we got there they were viewing a hilarious old UFO special hosted by Tamo-san (circa 1990). The show was featuring confessions by people who claim to have been abducted or in contact with aliens, and even featured Raël as a guest (he was only allowed about 1 minute to speak, and all he seemed to care about was to sell his book)!

Then the cram school began. Kishino-san and Fukuta-san had each brought dozens of videos of all genres.

Their selection included:
animation (60's old Japanese Tōei trailers, Czech and German series),
old Japanese musicals (「君も出世ができる」 ("kimi mo shusse ga dekiru", 1964) featuring the song "America de wa" covered by Pizzicato Five in 2001, 「ケロヨンの大自動車レース」 ("Keroyon no daijidōsha Race" / "Keroyon's big car race", 1968), and more),
Osaka drama 「河内のオッサンの唄」 ("Kawachi no ossan no uta", 1976) featuring Miss Hanako,
a crazy puppet show where puppets are Russians speaking in broken Japanese,
a TV show where talents were trying to find old people who used to like GS and then drag them to a The Hair/Nagisa Yōko live,
After each segment, they would talk in great detail about what we had just watched.

MoblogEverything was great, but I think my favorite has to be the Keroyon musical, which was totally crazy.
I think it's meant to be for kids, most characters being animals and played by humans in large costumes. The main character, a frog named Keroyon, impatiently waits for spring when his new sports car will arrive (and repeatedly sings something like 「新しい車が来る、春と一緒に~!」 (my new car will come, together with spring)), and after his car finally arrives he decides to take part in a race.
However, he has a sort of yakuza one-eyed enemy who calls him up and claims he'll win the race no matter what (problem is that this one doesn't even have a car...), who then receives a strange offer from some sort of KKK-like dudes who want to kill Keroyon! What the hell!?
I just need to see how this ends!!

Anyway we were there until 5am, and then rode our bikes back home, stopping by Sukiya for a late night kimuchi gyūdon. Mmm...

Posted on November 15, 2004 at 14:59 | Tweet |


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