
Blog - When 宅急便 is not 急

Japan When 宅急便 is not

I'm impatiently waiting for a package from Readymade International containing notably the new Nomoto Karia album.

The package is being delivered by Sagawa Express and requires C.O.D. payment. It came once today around noon while it couldn't be received, and was rescheduled for between 21:00 and 24:00, but just earlier I received a call from the delivery ossan saying that "because the streets are crowded he will run late and only arrive at 1:30-2:00am"...
Now I'd sure like to know what streets are crowded around here at this time, and also what kind of express service it is to arrive not only 2 hours late but 2 hours past midnight.

I called back and told him that I could wait until 1:00 and he said that he may be able to make it and that he'll call back... So now I'm drumming my fingers, waiting.

Posted on July 29, 2004 at 00:00 | Tweet |


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